• Can Faustino Entrance
  • Discover our luxury yachts
  • Restaurant Can Faustino
  • Cami de Cavalls Menorca

    Mare e Terra

    Mare e Terra has created a collection of hotels and experiences that immerse you in the Mediterranean art of living.
    Locations rich in history, rehabilitated to create unique experiences.

    It was while sailing in the heart of the Balearic Islands that the creator of Mare e Terra fell under the spell of Menorca's unspoilt nature.
    The island was to become the cradle of an ambitious and unique project, soon to be replicated in Tuscany.

    « Through Mare e Terra, we develop projects that seek to reveal the beauty of Menorca, like our collection of experiential hotels that restore listed sites. Without leaving the island, our guests can wake up in a former bishop's palace, sail on a yacht and discover wild coves, enjoy a massage in the middle of a pine forest and immerse themselves in Menorcan vegetation, party and sleep in a villa with views. I like to use my imagination to enhance an existing place by working on the space, the materials or even the olfactory signature... »

    Laurent Morel-Ruymen, President and founder of Mare e Terra

    All about Mare e Terra

    All about Mare e Terra

    Under the umbrella of Mare e Terra, launched in 2013, entrepreneur Laurent Morel-Ruymen designs projects from A to Z, from location and concept research to production and interior design.


    Cap Menorca

    Cap Menorca, unique destinations

    Cap Menorca will open its doors in 2024. A new experience that will complete the Mare e Terra offer. Being part of a former military base, fifteen suites on a cliff, seawater pools, surrounded by pure nature and maximum privacy.


    Mare e Terra


      Boats Mare e Terra
      Faustino Gran
      Casa de Pau
      Mare e Terra
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      La comunicación de sus datos será objeto de tratamiento por parte del Responsable del Hotel Can Faustino,  SOCIEDAD DE PRESERVACIÓN DEL PALACIO DE SAN RAFAEL 9 S.L.. Esta comunicación se utilizará exclusivamente para tratar sus datos para atender su solicitud, siempre de acuerdo al Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016 (RGPD), Ley Orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre (LOPDGDD) y demás normativa legal vigente en materia de protección de datos personales, sobre protección de datos. Sus datos no se comunicarán a terceros, excepto por obligación legal, y se mantendrán mientras no solicite su cancelación.

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