Sail towards your dreams

Discover our luxury yachts


Lose yourself in the blue
of the Mediterranean

Join one of our private excursions and sail for the best views of Menorca, its secret coves, paradisiacal beaches, its fine sand and the incredible colours of its waters. Our four luxurious and exclusive vessels are perfect for relaxing in symbiosis with the elements. Join the big blue...

Ciutadella yacht, the archetype of the gentleman yacht


The archetype of the gentleman yacht

Ciutadella, an elegant classic built in the 1960s, takes us back to the golden age of yachting. The wide deck offers passengers plenty of space to relax while sailing the crystalclear waters of the Mediterranean.

Make your stay a memorable experience by sailing on this unique yacht. Her exquisite refinement will help you make the most of the magnificent turquoise waters and the most remote white sandy beaches of the Mediterranean. Ciutadella, a paradise you'll never want to leave.

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Hermine boat, an unforgettable memory


An unforgettable memory

Discover the pleasure of sailing in the Mediterranean. Hermine, a sailboat that combines all the necessary elements of comfort with its classic style. Create your own experience, without limits or timetables. Live unique and memorable moments at the rhythm of Menorca.

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Heloise, a classic, stylish yacht


A classic, stylish yacht

Discover the most beautiful beaches of Menorca aboard our motor yacht Héloïse. Its V-shaped hull guarantees exceptional comfort at sea.

Our skippers know the islands like no one else, and we always strive to exceed your expectations from the very first moment at sea. Experience the Mediterranean in the most authentic and exclusive way!

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Blue Leopard, a legendary superyacht

Blue Leopard

A legendary superyacht

Blue Leopard, the first sailing superyacht built in Great Britain in 1962, by the Osborne shipyard. A legend since its creation, this sailing yacht, completely restored in 2024, combines timeless design with luxury features worthy of the most modern yachts.

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Mare e Terra


    Boats Mare e Terra
    Faustino Gran
    Casa de Pau
    Mare e Terra
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